Beauty is in the eye of the beholder***

Beauty come in all shapes and sizes……

There is no beauty standard

It saddened me today when a very pretty girl told me her Mom and sister tell her she should lose weight- even though she said she felt fine the way she is.

The more legal and material hindrances women have broken through, the more strictly and heavily and cruelly images of female beauty have come to weigh upon us… [D]uring the past decade, women breached the power structure; meanwhile, eating disorders rose exponentially and cosmetic surgery became the fastest-growing specialty… [P]ornography became the main media category, ahead of legitimate films and records combined, and thirty-three thousand American women told researchers that they would rather lose ten to fifteen pounds than achieve any other goal…More women have more money and power and scope and legal recognition than we have ever had before; but in terms of how we feel about ourselves physically, we may actually be worse off than our unliberated grandmothers.[1]

-Naomi Wolfe, The Beauty Myth


and while being skinny is cool too……

I must admit I like them ‘Fat Bottomed Girls” just a lil bit better…..

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